"risk management"


Categories: Other originRisk managementStandard

This international standard defines the vocabulary and the principles which must be respected by any risk management approach, whatever its field of application.

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Categories: ANSSIEBIOS Risk ManagerMethod

EBIOS, the French reference method, helps organizations to identify and understand their own digital risks. It allows determining security controls that suit to the threat and setting up the monitoring and continuous improvement framework following a risk analysis shared at the highest level.

On the ANSSI website: EBIOS Risk Manager
EBIOS Risk Manager

Listen to the podcast with Fabien CAPARROS (ANSSI) on NoLimitSecu.


Categories: Club EBIOSMethodRisk management

This guide is the EBIOS* generic approach. It provides a common base to any sector-specific breakdown. Initially designed for information security, EBIOS can be employed in all fields using the appropriate techniques and knowledge bases.

EBIOS allows us to assess and treat risks. It also supplies all the information required for communication within the organization and with its partners, and for validation of the way risks have been treated. It thus constitutes a complete risk management tool.

This is a real toolbox, from which we choose the actions to be implemented and the method of using them according to the objective of the study. It allows us to assess the risks using scenarios and to develop a coherent policy from them, based on concrete and assessable controls.

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*EBIOS – Expression des Besoins et Identification des Objectifs de Sécurité (expression of needs and identification of security objectives).


Categories: Club EBIOSGuidance

In a risk study, analyzed impacts highly rely on each stakeholder’s point of view. Starting from this understanding, this document push to take into account each actor considerations, in a “by design” logic, so that the product, system or service is accepted by everyone.

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Categories: Club EBIOSKnowledge bases

This document aims at providing useful elements to manage the risks related to the use of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device):

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Categories: Club EBIOSGuidance

This document presents sectors in which tisk management plays a major role in order to enlight similarities and dissimilarities. Risk management is not only for information technology but concerns a growing amount of sectors that think about their survival and expansion strategies.

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